10 Facts About Me – Agnes Wonderland – Milton Keynes

Some of you may know some things about me, however others who I may meet during future sessions now have a chance to learn a few things.

The fact that my name is Agnieszka and I’m both a family as well as a children’s photographer from Milton Keynes in Buckinghamshire, I am sure you already know. I thought however that some fun facts about me would be much more interesting than biographies etc. Many times, now, I’ve been trying to get myself to write some short and condensed info about myself, so that you could get to know me a little bit more. I’m wondering if anyone would be able to guess what facts I am going to reveal about me – not just about photography!

Ok so let’s get started!

1. I hate loud chewing, chomping, and crunching.

Anyone who knows me, knows how much I despise it and that it is probably one of the only things that absolutely drive me crazy. Although, I must admit that I am guilty of it every now and then, I also know it may seem like such a small and irrelevant issue, but I absolutely cannot stand it. If I hear someone crunching food, it quite literally awakes demons inside of me. I also understand that there are certain foods you physically cannot eat without loud crunching therefore I never buy crisps even for house parties.

2. I must always have milk in the fridge.

Otherwise, I will not be able to drink my coffee, and if I don’t have my daily coffee, I will constantly be super sleepy. How ironic! Believe it or not I don’t like drinking milk, nor do I really like coffee but if I don’t drink it, I just will not be able to work. When there is no milk in my fridge, I just don’t feel like myself. It’s just how my subconscious works. That’s why milk in the fridge is a must!

3. I have photographic memory.

I don’t think I have to say much in this one. It’s just that if I meet someone once, I will always remember them. Often on the street I will think to myself “where do I know her from?” I will admit though that sometimes I do forget people’s names but never their faces. Same thing applies to locations, if I’ve been there before then I will be able to get there without any problems. Funny enough however the one place this doesn’t apply to is Milton Keynes or places with such an abundance of roundabouts.

4. I do everything last minute.

I would love to be able to plan everything, but basically my entire life is completely spontaneous! There are obvious pros and cons of this lifestyle. This has been part of me for my entire life, even in university when I knew I had an exam coming up soon, I would manage to learn Latin in one night and still pass. But please don’t ask me if I remember anything.

5. I listen to the same songs on repeat.

If I like a song, chances are I will be listening to it non-stop. That’s just how I am. Anyone else?

6. I am obsessed with perfumes and scents in general.

This began a few years ago and just happens to carry on until now. You will not guess who infected me with this obsession. Usually, I would have 2 perfumes on my shelf, and they were enough. Until my other half revealed his interest in perfumes and I just happened to join in. Today we enjoy these gorgeous scents together and pick out perfumes together and look for new, unusual, and extraordinary smells even from around the world.

I absolutely love waking up in the morning and choosing a new smell for the day to match my moods, weather or even seasons.

Perfumes or even scents in my home are a necessary part of my life.

7. I don’t leave my house without a camera.

I think this is the one fact that hopefully won’t shock anyone. I’ve been a photographer for many years, a while ago majority of my career was based around reports, whereas now it’s mostly family or child portraits or even business shoots.  Therefore, I managed to open my own studio in Milton Keynes, and I do my sessions here.

8. I’ve always loved cats.

It’s been like this since I was a little kid. From when I can remember, there was always cats in my house, usually rescued, or found however they would teach me things worth for my entire. Today I have 2 Maine coons at home and this time I shared my passion with cats with my partner.

P.S I also love all dogs, rabbits, birds, and pets just as much.

9. I can’t sing.

Even though I constantly sing and listen to music. I love singing however I understand that I’m not the best at it and probably won’t be a world-renowned musician as many neighbours may have heard my vocals.

10. I don’t like unhappy endings.

Mainly unhappy endings that don’t make sense or unnecessarily unhappy. Those sort of books or movies where someone suddenly dies or breaks up without reason. Because sometimes people die in films but there is still a happy ending to change the atmosphere into a more positive one. Of. Course some in some movies, someone dies. But the happy ending is perfect for teenage girls or romantic comedies. In my opinion these sad endings are pointless and force the characters to live half their lives in miserable circumstances just because. I also hate the use of suffering to make people suffer, maybe I just like happy endings!

This is the reason why my photography is so colorful, happy and full of joy.